Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog #2, Photoshop

Provide one feature in Photoshop which you learned how to work with this week.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Blog #1, Keyword Building

Share the definition of one new word which you learned in this class pertaining to Web Design or the World Wide Web.


Welcome to the "Intro to Web Design" blog. I will ask you to visit this blog at least twice a month and answer a question posted which will pertain to the lessons we covered in class that week.

The purpose of this course is to prepare you for a future where you you can properly harness fundamental web design skills. The course covers Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), CSS Style Sheets and introduces students to Dreamweaver, Photoshop and PDF writer as it pertains to Web Design. Students will learn project management skills while working on peer group activities and independent assignments. Major projects will focus on Design skills in Photoshop and building a portfolio Website. Many professions value an employee who is proficient in the basics of HTML, Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop. This class will provide you with the skills necessary to use these technologies in such a way that you would be confident in adding them to your resume.