Sunday, April 7, 2013

Blog #4, Dreamweaver

Provide one fact which you have learned about Dreamweaver during the DW unit. (example: The main div we place our information in is called the "container")


  1. "Code Highlighting" is useful if you have a lot of code on a page that is a mix of HTML and other languages.

  2. I learned that dreamweaver is an application in which we can put our website online and publish them.

  3. To put a file on the internet, you have to literally "Put" it using the "Put" button.

  4. The adress all our websites are posted on is

  5. AndrĂ©s Harisa DuvvuriApril 11, 2013 at 9:43 AM

    You can put the files for a site with the Put button.

  6. Dreamweaver is used to put files that you have created in HTML on the web.

  7. Dreamweaver can not only create files for the web but, it can also "put" files on the web.

  8. You can use Dreamweaver to put your files on the web using ftp so anyone in the world can see your web pages.

  9. Dream Weaver is used to edit and to put files up on the web.

  10. During the Dreamweaver unit, one fact I learned is that as you click CSS options for your text, Dreamweaver writes the code in for you.

  11. I learned that in the Dreamweaver application, you can view the application as many different types of ways. such as designer or coder. So if your a coder it would put the HTML and CSS coding up front and center so that you can focus on just that.

  12. A div box with compound rules means rules can only be apply to one div.

  13. In Dreamweaver I learned what a div is and how to use easier names that relate to everyday life for the different components (the box, stage, curtain, and the actors/props). I think that by knowing these terms, this unit will make more sense.

  14. I learned that the background around the tet is called the body opposed to the text in the middle being called the body. I also learned about class terms which are terms that we use in the classroom. For example the class term for body is curtain. All of the class terms relate to a stage/theater.

  15. I learned that there are two types of CSS rules. One is a Compound. This means that those rules can only be applied to that one div. The second is class. This means that those rules can be applied over and over again (to as many divs as you want).

  16. A div is a box, and everything is put in the container which sets the "stage" for text and accessories needed to build the webpage.

  17. So far in the Dreamweaver unit, I have learned a lot about Dreamweaver. I learned that you can use there are three main parts to a website created through Dreamweaver. They are the Container, which acts like a stage in an auditorium, the Body, which is similar to a curtain in an auditorium, and the Text/Images, which is similar to the actors/props in an auditorium.

  18. I learned that you can think of setting up your webpage as setting up a stage. The body of your page is the curtain, the container on your page is the stage, and the text and images on your page would be the actors.

  19. One fact that I learned about Dreamweaver during the unit was that in class we will refer to web terms, such as Div and Container, as different "class terms", such as Box and Stage.

  20. There are two types of css rules. One is called compound, which are rules that can only be applied once.The symbol is #. Class rules can be applied multiple times, over and over again. The symbol is .

  21. There are two types of CSS rules used in Dreamweaver:

    1. Compound - a div (box) with compound rules means those rules can only be applied to that one div/box. The symbol for compound rules is #.

    2. Class - a div (box) with class rules means that those rules can be applied over and over again (to as many divs as you want). The symbol for class rules is .

    Also, divs place elements in layers. Lastly, the word div also means box (in class), container means stage (in class), body means curtain (in class), and text/images is the same as actors/props (in class only).

  22. In Dreamweaver, you can view your code in three separate ways:
    Code, Split, or design. Code lets you only see the code, design only let's you get a general preview of the appearance of your website, and split allows you to see both.

  23. The most important div is called the container and you "insert" this div instead of drawing it.

  24. We can create a control what the background color and you can create a container which keeps your work in it.

  25. I learned that to create a container, you insert a div tag, but with all other divs, you draw a div in Dreamweaver.

  26. One thing I have learned about Dreamweaver is that the div outside the container div is called the stage.

  27. The actors and accessories on a stage setting are referred to as the text and images that are put into the container.

  28. This week I learned all about how to use Dreamweaver. One important use of Dreamweaver that I learned about was how to put your website onto a web hosting service, and upload it on the web.

  29. In Dw, you can view your website in split view, which allows you to both edit and view the website at the same time.

  30. One thing I learned about Dreamweaver this week was that in the upper left corner of the application you can chose if you want to see just code, a split screen of code and the webpage, or just the webpage.

  31. Something that I learned about Dream Weaver this week was that the screen can be split with code on one side and the actual look of the website on the other side. I found this extremely helpful because it makes the making of a website a lot easier.

  32. One fact I learned about Dreamweaver is that it is an easier type of coding, it lets you preview what you're doing while you are coding.

  33. One fact I have learned about dreamweaver this week is that you can create things called divs, which are boxes in which your content is in, and they can contain other divs.

  34. One new thing I learned about in Dreamweaver is that the different parts of a website can simulate a stage production.
    Body- Curtain
    Container- Stage
    Text/Images- Actors/Accessories

  35. That Dreamweaver is a visual based program that writes HTML and CSS for you.

  36. Dreamweaver CSS rules transfers into HTML and CSS codes.

  37. 1 fact I learned is the feature that puts codes in for you

  38. One fact about dreamweaver is you can put your live page right up on the internet in seconds. In dreamweaver you can upload and view your page while you are working on it in the web.

  39. During this DW project in Dreamweaver, I learned that when creating a div, you are adding it into the container. In the div, you can add properties such as links to other sites.

  40. In split screen, you can type what you want in the right side, and the code it automatically created in the left side. This makes it easier for the user to set up web pages by not necessarily having to write code.

  41. During the DreamWeaver unit I learned that it is used to make your page, instead of just using code and the Ipad, DW in the main thing used to create a good magazine on an Ipad.

  42. To put a file on the web you literally click the "put" button

  43. Dreamweaver can put your files on the web using ftp. This way anyone in the world can see your web.

  44. I learned how to you can insert a video in a div instead of just a link.

  45. During the Dreamweaver unit I learned that you can only insert a div for the container, but for the rest of the normal divs you must hit "draw AP div." Also, I learned that you can make your whole site with or without HTML coding on the side.
